New Monthly Living the quran series
At the Diyanet center of america (DCA Library) - Lanham, md
Watch previous talks on our youtube channel
RN wisdom Weekly sessions
Topic: Immortality of Human Spirit, Angels and Resurrection
Tuesdays at 8:30 pm ET on Zoom
Text: Risale-i Nur, Epistles of Light, "29th Word" by Imam Said Nursi
Link to read the text here.
Tuesdays at 8:30 pm ET on Zoom
Text: Risale-i Nur, Epistles of Light, "29th Word" by Imam Said Nursi
Link to read the text here.
Special Ramadan 2024 Circle
During the month of Ramadan, our weekly night halaqas are on pause. Instead we will be holding a Ramadan-special circle on Sundays at 3 PM ET (March 17, 24, 31, and April 7 - mark your calendars).
With Dr. Yamina as special guest, we plan to study selected passages from Luminous Couplets [al-Mathnawi al-Arabi al-Nuri] by Imam Bediuzzaman Said Nursi to further our commitment to living in surrender to our Rabb. |
RN Ramadan 2024 Tracker: Daily Check-in
We invite you to use this form daily to help you fulfill your Ramadan commitment to daily practice of intentional surrender, istighfar i.e. asking for forgiveness, and gratitude. Bismillah!
As a background to this form, we recommend reading: |
Annual RN Retreat
Inner Transformation
DEC. 22-25, 2023
Surrendering to God’s Knife of MercyThe story of Prophet Abraham attempting to sacrifice narrated in the Quran is worth reflecting on especially during this season of pilgrimage and Eid of Sacrifice.
Journey to the DivineNursi explains that there are two ways of being in the world.
The first is being aware of one’s vulnerable self (‘ajz and faqr), embracing this vulnerability and acknowledging with gratitude one’s dependence on the Sustainer (Rabb). |
Messengers and MeWhen we reject the messengers of God, when we resist belief in One, what is the result?
Shackles around our neck, and barriers and veils around us. Sounds harsh? Indeed it is. |
Balance of Opposites"As I started opening my heart to the wisdom in the balance of good and bad, I started feeling how even my worst nightmare till then, my vulnerability, was actually
my most precious asset." |
Principles of Quranic HermeneuticsThe one who surrenders oneself to the Truth (i.e. muslim) is supposed to actually observe how everything in the observable world, (‘alam al-shahaada), indicates the Truth of tawhid, and consequently testifies to the truthfulness of the Quranic message.
Why Am I Sick?In order to understand the meaning of illness, we must first think about the purpose of our lives. Our lives are like tools that are given to us. We are given the freedom to use them in numerous ways.
Living the Quran with Joy and Purpose Selections on Tawhid from Said Nursi's Epistles of Light Translated, annotated and introduced by Yamina Bouguenaya and Isra Yazicioglu. |
about receiving nur
At Receiving Nur, we invite everyone to recognize the Divine blessings with which we are constantly showered with, and to enjoy and share them with others.
We aim to provide a nourishing environment wherein our inner peace thrives and radiates to the rest of the world in the form of compassion and love!
Receiving Nur provides resources to support spiritual transformation, as well as spiritual retreats, courses, workshops, and webinars.
We aim to provide a nourishing environment wherein our inner peace thrives and radiates to the rest of the world in the form of compassion and love!
Receiving Nur provides resources to support spiritual transformation, as well as spiritual retreats, courses, workshops, and webinars.
Receiving Nur provides content that nourishes the spirit in alignment with the intellect and the heart, to support individuals to reach out their potential and to connect with God. Receiving Nur promotes living life with Islam, iman, and ihsan.